Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Oh no... It's Alive!!!
Greetings followers and accidental visitors. It's been a bit over 6 months since my last confession. Since then my broken heart has been partly fixed (because can a broken heart ever be fully restored?). Music and movies, the actual main reasons for me starting to write this, has once a again taken a big part of my spare time - and i LOVE IT!

So, just a quick music and movie tip for you:
Music: Try to find the beautiful track (and cover version) "Here Comes The Sun" by Ghost. In times like this when Summer is just around the corner, struggling to break to harsh chains of Winter, this is the song that could definitely mark its entrance and once again paint the world green. Wonderful!
Movie: Well, actually a TV series classic. I recently bought a new copy of "Black Books". If you love british, dark, humour then I hope by all that's holy that you haven't missed this series from the early 2000s.

Well then. I'm Still Alive (Don't I Deserve To Be? Is That The Question?)

Rock On, maggots!