Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Me and Hank and a cold beer

Well, friends, it's been a while but now I'm back.

Considering I've just ordered season 3 of Californication on DVD I thought it was about time that I actually started to watch the show. Man, it's awesome! Tonight I've watched half of the first season and I'm actually considering staying up all night watching the second half of it too.

Hank (David Duchovny) is a sad character. I can really relate to a lot of things in his character. Or maybe it's just the beer(s) making my thoughts blurry.

Ah, well, it's past midnight. I guess I'll hit the sack and continue watching tomorrow.

Goodnight, Hank!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The most evil CD I've ever encountered...

Today I encountered an evil CD. Death metal? Black Metal? Songs about praising the Devil? Well, this CD was evil in another way. The CD was one that I had borrowed at the library, "Morning Star" by Entomed. So, why do I call it the most Evil CD ever? Well... it exploded in my computer!!! I swear, it's the truth. It started playing nicely, then a big bang. The family came running wondering what had happened. I couldn't open the player so had to get a screwdriver to bend it open. Once opened the small pieces started to fall out. So, I just had to put the pieces in a plastic bag, remove the player from the computer, and head for the library. Luckily, they were understanding and said sorry. Then go buy a new player, return home and install it. So, beware the next time you play Entomed. I fear they might be EVIL.

This week we'll be seeing Gaslight Anthems live on Thursday. Looking forward to it. I recommend listening to their records, especially the album "The 59' Sound". They're from New Jersey, and they sound nothing at all like Entomed.

Lately, I've listened a lot to Bad Religion. We saw them live here in Malmö this summer and I bought their latest CD "The Dissent of Man" as a birthday gift for my wife. An awesome record. I also bought "New Maps Of Hell" in the deluxe version with a live DVD and a couple of acoustic versions. It's soooo good. The acoustic versions really creates a new listening experience. My favourite being "Sorrow".

Today, it's 2 months until Christmas. Really not looking forward to it. Over and out!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Respect and Rock'n Roll

2 days left 'til election in Sweden. I told myself not to bother, but still I got involved in a political discussion that a Facebook friend started. I get really annoyed when people try to tell you what to think and don't respect that you might think differently. I don't care if you're right wing or left wing, or what religious beliefs you have. If you can't respect that other people might differ from you in politic- or religious belief (or taste in music/movie), then stay away from starting a discussion. As I've already written before I love music and movies. If a song is good enough I don't care who's recorded it. If a movie is good, I don't care if it's Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead. A good song or movie, is a good song or movie. For me that is. At the same time I have to respect that anyone else thinks differently. I'm not gonna lie, I've been a jerk before and will be again. Many are those time that I've considered someone being stupid because they've loved something I didn't, but at least I am aware of it and I try hard to think about that when expressing my opinion. Respect is important, but don't ask me to respect you and then spit in my face.

Then over to rockin' Danes. Today I received my copy of the awesome danish rockband Volbeat's latest album in the mail. It's called  "Beyond Hell/Above Heaven" and I've already listen to it a numerous times but this is the version with the DVD. A 30 minutes long live show, soon to be watched. Nice! I really like the new album even if the songs don't get stuck immediately as they did on their last album "Guitar Gangsters And Cadillac Blood"

So, I recommend that you listen to it if you like rock. I really like it but I'll respect you if you don't.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Teacher leave them kids alone!

I was in school today. It was a parents and teacher info meeting. All day at work I've been to meetings, busy, busy... decisions, decisions, well, you know what I mean. Entering the classroom for the teachers' info. What a disaster! Unbelievable! And they are teaching stuff to our kids? No preperations, using an overhead presentation instead of a Power Point, meaning manual adjustment between explaining the upper picture and the lower ones. After that trying to get a PP going on two different laptops. (What! They had laptops? Then why on earth did they show us the first three slides on OH?!) If I had run my meetings at work that way I would have been unemployed tomorrow.

Found a great album on Spotify. (For those readers not in Sweden it's a way of music streaming): Disturbed "Asylum". Really awesome! I'll have to listen to their old stuff some day and see if they've always been this good.

Before going to bed I say a little prayer. Please help our kids through school without getting too damaged!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

So, it has begun...

Unbelievable (or is it?). I've had plans on starting a blog for so long. I really like the idea of it. And now it has begun. I'm starting to write on September 11. Could be a disaster, could be... amazing.

If you've read the "About Me" then you already know I'm a dreamer and you've probably already figured out that I'll be writing about music, movies and perhaps even about life in general. Some of you might be wondering why I'm writing in english. Well, I have a friend or two outside the cold Nordic regions and I would like to be able to share some thoughts with them as well.

So, I hope to get a lot of followers and I hope to able to keep up the writing even in those days when I haven't had a couple of beers to drink.

"Saturday night's alright for fighting" but I'm actually listening to a great album right now so I'd better recommend it to you all:
"Sleep Is For The Week" by Frank Turner. It's awesome at least in my ears. However, I'll be shutting down soon to throw myself in the sofa and watch a movie.

Thanks to anyone who is reading this. Rock On! and remember... Always...