Sunday, October 24, 2010

The most evil CD I've ever encountered...

Today I encountered an evil CD. Death metal? Black Metal? Songs about praising the Devil? Well, this CD was evil in another way. The CD was one that I had borrowed at the library, "Morning Star" by Entomed. So, why do I call it the most Evil CD ever? Well... it exploded in my computer!!! I swear, it's the truth. It started playing nicely, then a big bang. The family came running wondering what had happened. I couldn't open the player so had to get a screwdriver to bend it open. Once opened the small pieces started to fall out. So, I just had to put the pieces in a plastic bag, remove the player from the computer, and head for the library. Luckily, they were understanding and said sorry. Then go buy a new player, return home and install it. So, beware the next time you play Entomed. I fear they might be EVIL.

This week we'll be seeing Gaslight Anthems live on Thursday. Looking forward to it. I recommend listening to their records, especially the album "The 59' Sound". They're from New Jersey, and they sound nothing at all like Entomed.

Lately, I've listened a lot to Bad Religion. We saw them live here in Malmö this summer and I bought their latest CD "The Dissent of Man" as a birthday gift for my wife. An awesome record. I also bought "New Maps Of Hell" in the deluxe version with a live DVD and a couple of acoustic versions. It's soooo good. The acoustic versions really creates a new listening experience. My favourite being "Sorrow".

Today, it's 2 months until Christmas. Really not looking forward to it. Over and out!

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